Monday, July 2, 2012

10 months!

My little boys turned 10 months old yesterday! That's double-digit months! And yes, it really has been Thanksgiving since I posted. What can I say? These little boys keep me hopping.

I want to get on and post some pictures so you can see how they've been growing, and I'll filter some updates in along the way to fill in the time gap. But first, a letter to my little boys.

Dear Ethan & Connor,

I can't believe you guys are 10 months! I have to say that your ninth month has been one of my favorites. You guys are finally learning to play with each other and you get better at it (i.e. less injuries while playing) every day!

Connor, you are a cuddler when you want to be, but mostly you are fearless in exploring the world around you. You were the first to crawl and you practiced with baby crunches and baby push-ups until you got what you wanted. You pull up on every available surface (even Mama!) and strain to grab anything within your grasp just to explore it. You protest every nap because you want to know what's going on, but once you cave in to sleep you are like a rock. You eat everything we let you try with determination. You can say Mama, Dada, and "Bubba" for Ethan, but you delight most in saying Dada, even if it's to your stuffed puppy. You just learned to clap your hands, and you do it in such delight! Your laughter is infectious and beyond adorable. I love you, silly monkey.

Ethan, you are more cautious in your explorations. You are sensitive to my presence, never wanting me to leave and often wailing a string of "Mamamamama" when you want me or your bottle. You are a sweet boy who often lays his head on my shoulder or gives me big sloppy kisses wherever you can reach. You love to play with Connor and will pat him (sometimes nicely) and mostly tolerate when he steals your toys (he steals all of them). You were the first to roll over and the first to reach for Mama. You are very coordinated at putting your beans on their slide and you are very focused on putting things where you want them to be. You aren't sure about this solid food thing - unless it's puffs or turkey and then you're all in. You often protest when meals last too long; you'd rather be cuddled than anything else - as long as you can use Mama as a jungle gym during said cuddle. You can say Mama, Dada, and Baba/Bubba. You reserve your big smiles and giggles more than tickly Connor, but the payoff is worth it. I love you, sweet baby boy.

I look forward to being your Mama and having more adventures with you both. Thank you for all the snuggles, kisses, and love you've given me so far. I'll try to do my part and record our adventures so I can preserve what joys you both are.
